Sunday, 8 December 2013

Come into my palace - don't mind if I do!

 Our memories are quite amazing really. All those bits and pieces of information stored in what is really a grey, wet, watery organ! Bizarre! There is a theory that we can make special mind maps inside our heads and when we retrace our steps using said map - we can uncover all sorts of information. This would make revising for an exam really useful. 

My boss (resident of 221b Baker Street) often goes off to his mind palace at times of importance. When he needs to go he really needs to go and becomes quite rood, having to clear the room of everyone in it to be left alone to concentrate! (This technique would therefore be no good in an exam situation).

I once thought that the only lobes on my body were my ear lobes, so it came quite a surprise to find out that there are lobes in my brain - though not the sort you hand earrings from!
Here is an interesting map of a human brain. What I find weird is that when people want to forget something they say, "I've pushed it to the back of my mind". This is an odd thing to do as that would affect your eyesight according to this map! So the memory bit is in the yellow part though I don't think it's really yellow? 


(1)      Decorate your mind palace - preferably yellow so you
          can remember which lobe of your brain you stored the
          information in
(2)     Start to upload the information into your brain by
         drawing pretend lines in the air to link your information
(3)     When you need to retrieve the information use your
          index finger and pretending you are Tony Stark start
          to redraw the lines to find your way back to the

I hope this information helps you in any up and coming exams and tests, just remember: