Monday, 28 October 2013

Big Bully's!

There are always people at school who pick on others or get picked on but my boss (resident of 221b Baker Street) always tells me the same thing; you have to stand up to bully's and not let them win. He does know what's he's talking about. Sometimes he sounds a bit like a bully and winds everyone up and says dreadful things even to his friends, but not so long ago he apologized to Molly Hooper!

This shows that my boss isn't really a bully, just insensitive!

On the other hand this bloke who my boss refers to as Moriarty is definitely a big bully. I don't think he was very popular at school and was probably always in detention and writing lines like:
  • I must not blow people up or 
  • I must not kill people or 
  • I must not use psychological warfare etc

His first name is James which is weird because James is a nice name and not really one for a psychopath. I have an Uncle named James and he isn't a psychopath or a big bully.  

I looked up the meaning of the name James out of curiosity and this is what I found:
James \j(a)-mes\ as a boy's name (also used as girl's name James), is pronounced jayms. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of James is "he who supplants". 

I thought this was strange because I didn't know the meaning of the word 'supplants', so i looked that up as well and found that it means this:
1. To usurp the place of, especially through intrigue or underhanded tactics.

So in the end I discovered that James is a very good name for a consultant criminal but not a good name for a nice Uncle, but then my name means 'Bright Meadow', which means nothing at all. 

Tuesday, 22 October 2013


My boss (resident of 221b Baker Street) is very insulting. Poor Mrs Hudson can barely stand him and dear John and most of his other 'friends' just have to put up with him most of the time. (He's not very sympathetic!)

He is the most knowledgeable person I know, in fact i do sometimes call him Spock, as does dear John. 
He doesn't even know his own friends names, and sometimes gets very angry  and says he doesn't have any friends!

How ever funny the insults might be it's not funny for the person being insulted. My boss is very slowly learning that you should treat people the way you want to be treated yourself. It is always better to laugh with your friends even though it is easier to laugh at them and sometimes it is better to keep your thoughts inside you head rather than let them escape out.

Saying that, here are some of my favourite quotes from William Shakespeare, the master of insults!
  • I do desire we may be better strangers.
    As You Like It (3.2.248)
  • More of your conversation would infect my brain.
    Coriolanus (2.1.91)
  • The tartness of his face sours ripe grapes.
    Coriolanus (5.4.18)
  • Take you me for a sponge?
    Hamlet (4.2.13)
  • I scorn you, scurvy companion.
    2 Henry IV (2.4.115)
  • Away, you mouldy rogue, away!
    2 Henry IV (2.4.117)
  • Hag of all despite!
    1 Henry VI (3.2.54)
  • I had rather chop this hand off at a blow,
    And with the other fling it at thy face.
    3 Henry VI (5.1.51-2)
  • Out, dunghill!
    King John (4.3.91)
  • You juggler! you canker-blossom!
    A Midsummer Night's Dream (3.2.293) 
  • Thou lump of foul deformity!
    Richard III (1.2.58)

Monday, 21 October 2013

Long coats and Short friends

Long coats and short friends are very important if you want to look tall. My boss (resident of 221b Baker Street) has both of these. Dear John doesn't like to talk about his height. Of course, John could never look tall. Not only because he doesn't have a long coat but you couldn't find many people smaller than him. (No offence John!)

I seem to keep growing; so I always grow out of my long coats as they turn into short coats. It has turned into a height race between me and my Friends! One minute I'm taller than them then next minute they're taller than me! This is very difficult when you are trying to grow up, as you don't know who to look up to?
Apparently the avarage height of a 13 year old is 5 feet 2 inches - that's if you can believe 'kweller23' on Yahoo Answers, although 'hotandspicy1991' doesn't agree with him at all.

The tallest man in medical history for whom there is irrefutable evidence is Robert Pershing Wadlow (USA) (born 6:30 a.m. at Alton, Illinois, USA on 22 February 1918), who when last measured on 27 June 1940, was found to be 2.72 m (8 ft 11.1 in) tall.


 Chandra Bahadur Dangi measures 54.6cm (21.5 in), making him the same size of six stacked cans of baked beans.

 Unfortunately there are no statistics for the longest coat or the shortest friends - if you find any please let me know.


Sunday, 20 October 2013

The importance of family

This is the moment when my boss (the resident of 221b Baker Street) shouted at his big brother Mycroft, after he very rudely told Mrs Hudson to 'Shut up!' You could have heard a pin drop after the incident and an awkward silence as we all waited for Mycroft to apologize. See here for my recording of the moment.

Amusingly Mycroft did say sorry (and rightly so) after all we are all 'family' in a funny sort of way and if we can't fall out and make up then we're not a proper family.

That's what family's are all about. Here are some things family's should do together:
  • Have fun
  • Eat
  • Argue
  • Eat
  • Fall out
  • Get back together
  • Eat
and start all over again!

Family is about belonging to a group and feeling wanted and wanting to be with the other people in your group. This is complicated because there are two types of family.

Type 1: The family you are born into, i.e: blood relatives like moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grand parents etc...These all come with certificates like this one.
Type 2: The family you choose. This group of people are really special because if you could choose your blood relatives, they would probably be chosen instead of some of the ones you have to have!
These are members of my family, most of the time they are misable but I love them all the same.
(Mrs Hudson, Greg, John, Sherlock, Mycroft and Molly)
I do have a family from Type 1 as well and they're quite nice so I shall keep them. This would be a good time to remind everyone reading this blog that there is only 65 days left until Christmas which is the time of year when family's eat, argue and get stressed...and have fun :) lol


Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Time for bed

There are different types of people in the world as I may have said before. Some people are known as 'Night Owls' who stay up late and some are known as 'Early Birds' who get up super early (and apparently catch worms). My boss (resident of 221b Baker Street) doesn't so much love his bed but his bed sheets! I don't ask any questions because we all have our funny little ways. I think he exhausts himself especially when he's got a very exciting case to solve and then wants to stay in bed to recover. 

On one occasion he didn't even have time to get dressed when he was called to a very important meeting.
 When he found out the meeting was with Mycroft (his big brother) he wouldn't get dressed on purpose! 


I love my bed but the strange thing is, at night time I don't like getting into it, and when it's the morning it seems much more comfortable so i don't like getting out of it! The thing I like most about my bed is snuggling up to the pillows and wrapping the duvet around me, like a little cocoon. In fact not so little! (Strange isn't it, but it's true)

Interesting facts about bed sheets:

  • Bed sheets have been used since the Vedic period (which was ages ago).
  • There are bottom flat sheets, top flat sheets, fitted bottom sheets and valance sheets.
  • Sheets can be made out of cotton polyester and nylon.
  • If you wear Nylon PJ's with Nylon bed sheets you will set fire to your self, as the friction causes sparks. (Don't try this at home, or i'll be in a lot of trouble, although my boss could help me with the court case... ANYWAY!)
  • Bed bugs can live in dirty beds, (Mrs Hudson Is very fussy about them, and all kinds of washing problems.)


Tuesday, 15 October 2013

It's A Wrap!

Food isn't very important to my boss (the resident of 221b Baker Street) He smply eats when he is hungry. He says digestion slows him down. Even though just downstairs there is a fabulous little cafe, he still only eats when he can fit it into his busy schedule. The Cafe I am talking about goes by the name of Speedy's.

All sorts of strange things happen in Speedy's, like private meetings between Mrs Hudson and some friends


 and also dear John and my bosses brother Mycroft having a very secret conversation with lots of other people around them listening?

Speedy's is so awesome that they are trying to encourage my boss to eat because they are concerned. They have invented a wrap named after him and it's selling like hot cakes! Here it is:
In my opinion,(and I'm usually right about these things) Speedy's is the best cafe in London, (i'm lucky i live down the road!) I usually have the cheddar cheese option, (i'm a big fan of cheese.)

Everyone should have their own wrap, and mine would consist of these ingredients:
  •  Cheese - because I am mature (and a bit cheesey)
  • Sweet onion chutney - because I'm always in a pickle
  • Bacon - because I like to pig out
  • Iceburg lettuce - as I am so cool
  • and Any other mystery ingredient because I like to deduct what I am eating? :P
My Shirley Wrap!
(By process of elimination the secret ingredient is Apple!)

Music to my ears

One of the things I don't like doing is practicing my violin. So I rarely do. I have very little patience and would rather play around with the instrument and see what I can come up with. I am extremely slow at reading music whilst my brain is whizzing ahead thinking of a zillion things I could be solving crimes and investigating mysteries. My boss (resident of 221b Baker Street) not only practices his violin regularly, but uses it to escape from his over active brain function! Clever really I think. He is so cool he even has his own theme tune! Here it is with the words:

Sometimes my boss gets a bit sad...not very often as mainly he is bored...and once there was a certain woman (who he refers to as 'The woman') who he got quite upset over. He doesn't express his feelings so he turns his hand to composing because it helps him to think. Once again, my camera phone came in useful and here he is composing a dreadfully somber piece.

When I need to think or concentrate, I don't play my violin. These are the things I do:

  • Jump up and down on a trampoline
  • Bounce around the house on a pilates ball
  • Get a massive blob of blue tack and squash and roll it into numerous shapes
  • Bake cup cakes
  • Climb a tree
  • Fidget and prance around
At home this is fine but in school this can be a problem. I have been accused of having ants in my pants, which I can assure you I most certainly do not. My teachers generally think I am not listening because I stare into spaces, draw all over my hands and talk. I am what they call a Kinesthetic learner. Some times known as a tactile learner. This means in order for me to take in information and learn things people are saying to me or showing me (like in a classroom) I need to move around or it can't get into my brain.

There are lots of different kinds of learning styles. Which one are you?

  • Visual (spatial):You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.
  • Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music.
  • Verbal (linguistic): You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.(This is John)
  • Physical (kinesthetic): You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.(This is me)
  • Logical (mathematical): You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems.(This is my boss)
  • Social (interpersonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with other people.
  • Solitary (intrapersonal): You prefer to work alone and use self-study.

Sometimes you can overlap into different styles and that depends on a lot of other things.

Monday, 14 October 2013

how to look cool - Shirley style

People do all sorts of things to try and look cool. They wear 'designer' clothing, have their hair styled a certain way, listen to a particular music group/solo artist and go to the most 'in' places. BUT some people are just born 'cool'. They don't even have to dress like others or speak like others - in fact a truly cool person can often be totally unlike anyone else on the planet!

According to the on-line Urban dictionary the definition of the word 'cool' is:

The best way to say something is neat-o, awesome, or swell. The phrase "cool" is very relaxed, never goes out of style, and people will never laugh at you for using it, very convenient for people like me who don't care about what's "in."

My boss is one of those people. He is totally cool though I doubt he would even entertain the concept! He was once accused of trying to be cool by dear John! I had to laugh out loud as John is probably one of the most uncool people
  on the planet with his parker and his flat cap - LOL :)

Once again my camera phone came in handy and I picked up the aforementioned conversation...

But seriously folks. If you really want to be cool...BE YOURSELF! Trying to be anyone other than yourself means you are being a clone...I made up a cool rhyme to remember:

'Don't be a clone or a boring old drone,
Take a lesson from Sherlock's School
And just be yourself - which is sooooooo cool!'

ie: Show off your cheekbones and turn up your collar #wink#

Thursday, 10 October 2013


One of the worst things in the world is feeling bored!
I am only bored when there is nothing exciting going on, which is most of the time. I want to be solving cases, discovering new worlds and breaking through the boundaries of science...none of which ever happen. BUT my boss (the resident of 221b Baker Street) does have an interesting life and gets himself into a few scrapes, winds people up and still gets bored.

My remedy's for boredom:

       1.    Create a blog and write a post about being bored.
       2.    Learn a long sentence in a foreign language and 
              wait for your telephone to ring so you can recite it.
       3.    Text everyone you know and wish them,
              "Happy International Amnesia Day."
       4.    Go to the supermarket and arrange the shampoos
              in alphabetical order.
       5.    Get from one side of the lounge to the other without
              stepping on the floor.
       6.    Go to a busy park and pretend you are running 
              away from yourself.
       7.    Walk around a revolving door for half an hour.
       8.    Put on every piece of clothing in your wardrobe and
              then go out for a McDonald's.
       9.    Dress yourself in bandages and go to the local 
              shops asking, "Have you seen my Mummy?"
      10.   Take a packet of peanuts to customer services as
               report that you think they've been a-salted.  :)
      11.    Go to an ex army an navy store and tell them 
               you're having trouble finding camouflage trousers.
      12.    Go to a saw mill and tell the owner your 
               researching your family tree.

My boss's Remedy for Boredom

        1.     Shoot the wall


If all else fails
watch the entire series 1 and 2 of BBC's

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

The importance of a hat

"How do you stalk a deer with a hat? What are you going to do, throw it?"

A Hat is part of someones character and an extension of their personality.  Everyone has their own special Hat depending on their uniqueness and personal choice.

My hat is my badge and I wear it with pride. My boss (resident of 221b Baker Street) wears it reluctantly. I don't really understand this but it may have something to do with controlling his wild brown curls. Dear John however takes the opportunity to poke fun at his 'ear hat' to his great satisfaction! The actual conversation was documented in the link below. 

During the day time I attend an ordinary school, in an ordinary town with mainly ordinary people; most of which do not appreciate the concept or the importance of a hat. On numerous occasions I have been reprimanded for wearing said hat in the classroom, even during the winter. My Teacher who I shall refer to as 'Mrs X' (for the purpose of confidentiality) actually gave me a point for wearing a non acceptable, non uniform item. 

Hats are a life saving device. If you are freezing to death then the best remedy for the problem is to put on your hat. Most of the heat escapes from your body through your head (though this is now proven to be a myth) 
nonetheless it's a good excuse for defending your right to 'don your hat'. Not failing to mention what you can keep under it like; a luminous rabbit named Bluebell, a sonic screwdriver and your head.

        Bluebell and the unknowingly infamous Dr Stapleton