Monday, 28 October 2013

Big Bully's!

There are always people at school who pick on others or get picked on but my boss (resident of 221b Baker Street) always tells me the same thing; you have to stand up to bully's and not let them win. He does know what's he's talking about. Sometimes he sounds a bit like a bully and winds everyone up and says dreadful things even to his friends, but not so long ago he apologized to Molly Hooper!

This shows that my boss isn't really a bully, just insensitive!

On the other hand this bloke who my boss refers to as Moriarty is definitely a big bully. I don't think he was very popular at school and was probably always in detention and writing lines like:
  • I must not blow people up or 
  • I must not kill people or 
  • I must not use psychological warfare etc

His first name is James which is weird because James is a nice name and not really one for a psychopath. I have an Uncle named James and he isn't a psychopath or a big bully.  

I looked up the meaning of the name James out of curiosity and this is what I found:
James \j(a)-mes\ as a boy's name (also used as girl's name James), is pronounced jayms. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of James is "he who supplants". 

I thought this was strange because I didn't know the meaning of the word 'supplants', so i looked that up as well and found that it means this:
1. To usurp the place of, especially through intrigue or underhanded tactics.

So in the end I discovered that James is a very good name for a consultant criminal but not a good name for a nice Uncle, but then my name means 'Bright Meadow', which means nothing at all. 

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